Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Taking the plunge

I have always admired modern quilts.  Maybe its because, being a child born in the early 1970s, the designs and fabrics that are so popular now remind me of when I was little. I see those fabrics and just feel warm and fuzzy.  I've even bought a few, not many though...yet, with all intentions of making a quilt with them.  The patterns, the colors, the designs all remind me of things I either had or saw when I was little.  And even though I am usually quite confident in undertaking new projects, there are a few I for some reason I just can't seem to find the confidence to start. Take batiks, for example. The beautiful hues and subtle (or not so subtle) patterning on the fabrics are gorgeous, and the quilts are breathtaking, but for some reason I just can't seem to figure out where to start to make one.  I tend to feel the same way about the modern quilts I see.  Well, I happened to be shopping at a local closeout store and was lucky enough to come across this...
I couldn't believe I found this, and for the hefty price of 6 whole dollars! Needless to say it came home with me :cD  I have been pouring over the pages, admiring the quilts and deciding which one I want to try first.  There are a couple I want to try for sure....heck, who am I kidding, I want to try them all.  Now if I needed any more motivation to get those UFOs finished up, this was it.  Not to mention there is a shop hop coming up in Amish country the end of this month and I have been saving some money back to be able to splurge a little :cD

On the home front, I have a mouseling home with me today.  When she came over last week I noticed what looked like a bite on her arm. We put some calomine lotion on it because it itched and didn't think too much more of it.  Well, when she came back this week it was worse.  She showed it to us and we thought it might be ringworm. She went to school Monday where the school nurse looked at it and said the same thing.  So yesterday we went to the doctor and lo and behold, ringworm it is. YUCK! So he suggested she stay home today while we started treating it since at this point its still quite contageous.  What was she most upset about when she found out?  That she wasn't going to get to wear her new green shirt to school today.  "Mommy, I can wear my green shrit at home tomorrow right?" was the first thing she asked me "Of course!!" was my reply.  So she'll be wearing her new green shirt while she helps me around the house and enjoys her extra day off. So with that I got an unexpected day off as well, so I am going to try to make the most of it.

Finally I want to wish you all a

I have to say I never really knew the story of Saint Patrick until my son got the Sumo of the Opera Veggietales DVD. It has the story of Saint Patrick at the beginning of the DVD before the main story, and they did a good job telling it too..not to mention it was quite fun to watch. So anyhow, however you celebrate, I hope you all have a fun, safe, enjoyable day. Warmest country wishes!!

Country Mouse


QuiltedSimple said...

I got ringworm very bad myself last fall from our cows - it took me 4 months to totally get rid of it with lots of help from cream and antibiotics (I think I had 5 or 6 spots 3-4" around - but i didn't get it treated right away - BIG MISTAKE). Glad you caught it early! Can't wait to see your next quilt

Sweet P said...

I hope mousling is better soon.

I bought that book a few years ago. I love it. It is a great inspiration book. Enjoy it!