Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm sew excited!

Hi all, not a whole lot new on the sewing front here, but I think that's gonna change. Every year there is a large shop hop in Amish country that I participate in.  Its a lot of fun, but some of the shops are a little far flung, and I usually have to work most evenings, so I rarely ever get to them all. Well, when I was visiting the shops this past fall, I found a flyer for this...
Quilts and food. Two of my favorite things together? How could I pass this one up!  Its this Saturday, and I have the day off!  I am so excited I am about to burst :cD  I'm not exactly sure what to expect at each of the stores, but I'm pretty sure there is a pattern and recipe you receive from each shop, a quilt show and food sampling afterwards and prizes.  And on top of that the shops are relatively close so I know I can get to them all. Yippee!!!  I'll be sure to do a show and tell about my weekend ;cD

My poor sewing machine is probably feeling a bit neglected of late, but my knitting needles are getting quite a workout.  I just can't seem to put them down! I did some more practicing, and even tried a knitted cable (which came out pretty well for a first attempt, but the picture I tried to take doesn't show up too well). I did find a very simple pattern for something cute I'm trying to make, so when it comes together, I'll share a picture of that too.  I do, however, have another picture to share.  I had someone ask me how big my pin toppers are, so I tried to get a decent picture to show their relative size.

Some are a little bigger, some are a little smaller, but these are about average size toppers. 

Finally, on the home front, I am going through one of those stretches where you find yourself asking "why?"....a lot. Things have been stressful, and I feel like my options are so limited sometimes.  I have very little family in the area, work is never ending (be it in the home or outside the home) and responsibilites can feel overwhelming.  I feel like I follow down a path to realize I should have taken a right when I took a left, then have to backtrack.  Ever have those days?  I am trying to keep a positive attitude because I know full well life always has a way of evening its self out.  I am a firm believer that when something bad or stressful happens, something good is around the corner to balance it all out. I know you don't go through trials for no reason, everything you experience is to help you learn and grow.  But, boy sometimes getting through those experiences....  I know I will emerge from this sronger and smarter, and that is what keeps me going. I did make it outside for a walk today to help relieve some stress, now I think I may spend some time with my sewing machine to help too.  Come on, who can say playing with fabric doesn't help them feel better ;cD

Well, I'm off again, I hope wherever you are the sun is shining, your sewing machine is humming, and things are happy.  Warmest country wishes!!


Bunny said...

Hi yes sometimes our road of life has sometimes pebbles and sometimes boulders. He only gives us what we can handle. These are all lifes lessons. Hugs

QuiltedSimple said...

I have those days all the time! I just trust in Him and it all seems to take care of itself. And those pin toppers are tiny but so beautiful