Monday, March 29, 2010

Makes me happy Monday #3

Hi everyone, boy did this weekend fly by!! It was a great weekend, and is the topic of my Makes me happy Monday.  This whole past weekend made me happy right down to my little toes.  First off, on Saturday was the Quilt and Cuisine shop hop.

These are some of the shops that participated, unfortunately most of the stores won't let you take pictures inside.  Sooooo many beautiful quilts and fabric.  I got a new thimble at the first shop. (I tried to get a picture, but none of them came out very good)  And bought some new fabrics to use in my first attempt at making my first modern quilt.
The bundle is Amy Butler, and the fat quarters, well, I'm not really sure who the designer is but I thought they were cute. I also got recipes for ham loaf with glaze, scalloped potatoes, country green beans, wheat bread, and date pudding. Each shop also gave one part of a mystery quilt pattern with the last step given at the last stop. It was a great time, I'll defintely be doing this one again!! I also had to snap a photo of this.... we still aren't sure how they get the horse up there and get him to stay so still. :cP 

(OK, of course I'm joking, its actually decoration on top of the restrooms at one of the stops we made ;cD)  With the shop hop over by 4pm I had time to go look around some shops in town.  I didn't come home with very much, but I did come home with this little guy...
What did I do with him, you ask? I'll show you in a little bit :cD
Then to add to the happy of the weekend we had a great Sunday with the kids! We just hung around home for a little bit, watched a movie, and did some of our respective "me" time hobbies.  I wanted to make a pin cushion, amongst other things, so I got ready for that. As I was doing so my daughter asked if she could make one too.  So here she is working away on hers...too cute!

...and my pin cushion?

Both are now proudly displayed on my sewing cabnet :cD
Finally, we made a trip to Chuck E. Cheese for a little fun.  I'm starting to wonder if my mousling may work in the broadcasting field.  Here's my son the director...

And my daughter the camera operator...

I also got to work on my knitting, and  I must say as a knitter teaching herself the hobby, I love YouTube.  I found a video on how to do the slip slip knit stitch....and also that I was doing my knit stitch not quite right. Now that I am, I am getting those pretty little "v"s and I am incredibly excited.  I also worked on my postage stamp quilt and am now up to 7 of 20 sections done.  All in all it was a wonderful weekend.
Well, after a whole weekend of fun the house shows it, so I am off to get the things done that need to be done, but it is well worth the extra work today around home for such a great weekend. Also to catch up on some blog reading, and maybe squeeze in a bit more fun.  Hope you all had a great weekend too, and a happy Monday. Warmest country wishes all!!


Bev C said...

Oh I wish I could have been with you on your weekend. Sounds like a lot of fun which is very important. Love the tv techs you have there. Have a wonderful week.

QuiltedSimple said...

looks to me like it was the perfect weekend. great fabrics, great dinner and a super cute sewing partner making pincusions!

Sweet P said...

You did have a wonderful weekend. I love your pincushion!

Jenni said...

You have done 7 sections of the postage stamp quilt? Good for you, I've done 3 and a bit I think.

Keep at it, your inspirations will return - read some old magazines for some inspiration.