Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Someone do the happy dance with first finish of March!

When I first started out blogging one of the first blogs I found was Crazy Mom Quilts. Amandajean's blog was always full of inspiration and bright happy quilts. At one point she did a giveaway and the winner would win a bundle of fat quarters if they guessed how many quilts Amandajean had in her house.  Well, I put in my guess and much to my surprise, I won!! A beautiful stack of fat quarters came in the mail.  I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them, but I wanted to do something special.  Then a few weeks later she started a star quilt along... I saw it and, I KNEW WHAT I WAS GOING TO DO WITH THOSE FAT QUARTERS!!! I worked on those blocks and kept up really well, I got the top together, then life happened.  That poor top sat and waited for me patiently.  Back on my feet and able to get to spend some time indulging in my passion, that happy little top is now a QUILT! and my first finish of March :oD
They are not fabrics I would have nessecarily bought myself, but I think its just beautiful. I can never thank Amandajean enough for the fabrics, and that she even sent me more of the setting block/binding fabric when I had mentioned I didn't have enough to finish the quilt the way I wanted too.

Here is a close-up of the meandering, loopy quilting I did. I know I mentioned that many of the quilts on the BLCE list will probably be gifted and/or donated, but this is one that is staying at my house for sure!

Although Amandajean has taken an indefinite break from blogging, I am thankful she has left her blog up for reference and inspiration. I miss her, and if she still floats around visiting blogland and sees this, I hope it makes her proud.

I think I am going to focus on a couple smaller projects on my list next.  I have a few bigger quilts that I want to get done, but can't decide which one to finish up next.  Maybe I'll put a poll on my side bar and you all can vote, that might be fun. I also want to get more strips cut so I can do a little more work on my postage stamp quilt sections.  For now I am going to take a day to myself and relax, probably clean my machine, organize and set up for the next project rather than sew today.  I also have to do all those chores that pop up in between know, dishes, laundry, cleaning the bathroom, on and on and on  :cP  I hope you all have a wonderful day and as always send you warmest country wishes.

1 comment:

QuiltedSimple said...

Oh my it is GORGEOUS! I still need to do 1 star block and put the borders on mine. I really need to finish this but can't get motivated. Great job on an awesome finish!!!!