Friday, March 26, 2010

One last look at winter's beauty

Good morning everyone!  After the big thaw and all the warmer weather, this is what we woke up to this morning!
Actually it started falling last night as the temprature dipped below freezing, and working where I do there were plenty of windows there for me to be able to watch it fall.  Big, beautiful, fluffy flakes.

Don't get me wrong, I am ready for spring.  I love to be able to get outside in the warmth without a jacket and take in the sunshine and springtime flowers, but I have always thought a soft blanket of white fluffy snow covering everything is so beautiful and peaceful.  Especially when it is the wetter kind of snow that sticks to all the tree branches and bushes.  Just beautiful!!

Its supposed to warm back up, so this snow probably won't last the day, which actually isn't all that bad.  Tomorrow is the shop hop, and no snow or ice would make the trip easier, but I have to say I'm torn as to wheather I would like to see the countryside bursting with spring colors or covered in a lovely blanket of white.
Either way, being a lover of winter, I'm glad to have gotten to see winter's beauty one last time.

Well, I am on my way to get things done before work today. I hope to have lots of things to share after my trip tomorrow.  Hope you all have a great day!! Warmest country wishes!


QuiltedSimple said...

Our schools were closed today - the superintendant must've wanted to get started on his spring break early. Have fun at the shop hop!

Renée's Country Crafts LLC said...

That's funny how you were happy about the snow, and I was upset last night when it started snowing. I knew we were going to get it, and no one believed me, lol.. nice to have quilter friends in other states.. good weather predictor. Ohio always gets snow.
Have fun on your shop hop. I love the "AMISH". I wish I lived closer.
Their quilts got me started in quilting.
Thank You for visiting my blog, and leaving a comment. It is funny when the dogs dream, because they do get into, and make lots of noises, and start moving..
Lab's are excellent dogs. My snow melted already, did yours? I added a message box at the end of my page thinking it would be easier for all of us to communicate on.. we'll see..
Have a great weekend.