Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Getting back to life

Hi all, I hope you have all been making lots of progress on projects old and new, and that you have been making progress on all that you have been wanting to.  I ended up losing almost a month of progress of all I had been working toward this year.  A tough start to be sure, but I am doing well regaining ground that I lost.  So so much has been going on around here...OK, maybe nothing all that new, but it is always busy and it keeps me moving!! 

I am excited to share a picture of my first block for this month for my CAL blocks for this month.  This was quite an interesting block in my opinion.  I've never done one with this kind of technique for the center.  The directions are nice and clear, and worked up relatively quickly.  It is called Starburst Flower and can be found here

I have also been playing catch-up with another group I joined on Ravelry.  We are making blocks out of Jean Leinhauser's 101 Crochet blocks book.  Now the book is out of print, and I had been trying to find a copy with not much luck, but the members of this group have been wonderful when it comes to helping find copies for members without.  I was lucky enough to get a copy through one of the moderators of the group, Sandy, who was able to find a friend willing to part with her copy.  We're only on week 9, but I have learned sooo many new stitches and am having an absolute blast making the blocks, and I am almost caught up.  Now to decide what to do with all of them ;cD  Oh, and they are different sizes too, so I'm looking forward to the challenge of figuring out how to fit them together.

block 96

block 40

block 3

block 23

block 30

block 81 (I love this block!  I may make an entire afghan out of this block eventually.)

block 88

I am disappointed in myself for falling off the wagon with my fitness program.  Its so easy to let it go when you have had a period when you couldn't exercise.  I am doing my best to get back on track.  I am hoping the weather breaks soon so I can get back outside, but so far no luck.  Between thunderstorms, ice, snow, flooding and temperatures ranging from the 20's up to nearly 60 over the last week or so it has been a total crazy mess around here.  My goal for the month is to get some aerobic activity in 4 days a week and to begin stretching more.

Well, I am off to get things done today,  I have a surprising amount of energy today so I am going to take advantage of it.  A little cleaning, a little exercise, and hopefully a lot of stitching :cD (I'm working on my first toy pattern for my daughter based on a video game she is playing right now)  So with that I am going to wish you all warmest wishes for a wonderful day!!

Country Mouse


Deb A said...

Love those little crochet blocks. It will make up into a very pretty blanket. Makes me want to get the sweater moving along for my daughter again....

Anita said...

I love the first block done in pink, white and brown. The one row of white next to the brown really sets it off. Hope you get back on track with all you are doing. Kind regards, Anita.

julieQ said...

OH, I loved hearing from you! Such pretty crochetted blocks, and thank you for the link...hope you have a great day!! I am jumping right back on the bandwagon...right now!