Thursday, January 21, 2010

Finally tally for my quiltathon

Hi everyone, hope your week has been good so far. I have had a relatively relaxing week, I did end up with 4 days off in a row, so I was able to get a lot done...ok, "a lot" is a relative term, but I'm happy with what I accomplished. I got lots of sewing time in, plenty of time with the kids, and my house still looks like a house, so how can I not be happy ;)
Since my last post I did go ahead and finish the tessellating cats top the way I had originally started to. DD loved the squares and now that the border is on, I think I like it too. It finished at 44" x 56", a nice size to carry around. I have a piece of flannel that I think will work as a backing, I just have to wash and iron it and see if will still be the right size. Then I need to get some batting and this one will be ready for quilting. I did get some of the behemoth tied, about 1/3 of it. Sometimes I don't realize how big something is until I'm sitting under it. This one is HUGE! I know I keep saying that, but honestly every time I go to drag this (probably)6 lb giant out, I still can't get over the size of it :O I was also able to get a couple quilt labels done. The kitty one is for the quilt above and the other is just one that goes into the collection ready to be used once I get a quilt finished. Ok, and I just realized the picture loaded sideways, sorry :S
Even had time to make one of these.....yummy!

So all told for my quiltathon days, here is my tally:
1. Finished the Irish Chain quilt
2. finished one quilt top
3. Made considerable progress in tying the string quilt
4. Made one quilt backing
5. Made two quilt lables
..... and made one yummy winterberry pie ;) I'm also proud to report that as of yet, I have not bought any new fabric this year. One of my big goals is to use up what I have on hand before I start buying new. I went to the library Tuesday and picked up the Block Party book and am going to try something Eileen mentioned in her blog. As I am sorting through everything I am going to cut pieces to make blocks and make them into kits and set them aside for when I am ready to move on to something new. That way I just pull out the kit and everything is ready to sew. I think its a pretty cool idea. At this point, though, I think I am just going to relax today. I have been feeling a little down the last day or so. I wish I could explain it, sometimes I just feel overwhelmed and some of the feelings I had before my LCE creep back. Its been tough, but I know this too, will pass. Just been tough to keep my eyes forward, and not fear the "what ifs", but I know I can't let that fear overwhelm me. I need to focus on what I can do, what I can change, what is positive and where I am going so I can reach the goal I want to reach :)
I can't believe the weekend is upon us already! I am going to try to get out there and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. Its appearance has been pretty fleeting around here lately. I hope you all have a good one, and find a little time for friends, family and all the things that make you happy. Warmest country wishes!!


QuiltedSimple said...

You were busy! I heard almost 50 and rain for sunday - talk about a bummer! We'll be over for some pie - it looks yummy! lol.

Scrappy-Quilter said...

I totally understand what you are feeling and thinking. I love your new background maybe a new background is the start of a new beginning. Look to the future with your eyes on the skies. It's going to be better brighter days ahead. I promise you. hugs!