Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sewing away the "weekend"

Hi everyone, hope your weekend has started off well. Here in my corner of the world it has warmed up quite a bit. There is still a little snow on the ground, but for the most part it is all melting away. Its still gray and dreary outside and after my shift tonight I am off Sunday, Monday AND Tuesday, so I am going to do my own quiltathon. Well actually I am inspired by Judy's blog, and although I am not "officially" joining in, I am quilting along in spirit and extending my quiltathon til Wednesday afternoon when I have to go to work. I am hoping to get the Irish chain done, the behemoth tied, and I am thinking I may work on blocks as well as setting some blocks into tops, and piecing some backings so I know where I stand when it comes time to baste some of these. The picture above is the one I am using as a "UFO buster" banner and shows some of the quilts I want to get done. Well, I am taking off again. Gonna try to get my car washed while the weather is still nice :) and I will be back soon with progress pictures. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Warmest country wishes,