Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year....looking to the future

Hi all, I hope you all had a great holiday season!  Ours was great, busy, but great!  I wanted to show a picture of a couple of the projects I got finished up before we rang in the new year here.  First is a crochet hat.  Its a really simple design, and I just love the colors.  I made it out of Red Heart (love the hard wearing-ness for things that will be worn a lot) in Mellonberry.
And a teeny-tiny tiger I made for my DD.  I may have to make another since he didn't take too much yarn and ended up so darn cute ;cD

I also got a pair of mittens made up from an extra skein of Simply Soft that I had as well as started a new sweater, but don't have pictures yet.  Why?  Cause I don't have my camera battery charged up yet.  Yup, I got a camera for Christmas and am so excited to start sharing better pictures!!!  *super big smile*  So I will get that all ready to go so I can share those pictures next post.

So with the new year I have been thinking about how I want to improve my life and myself and have come up with a bit of a plan.  One of my goals for this year is to focus on myself both health-wise and emotionally.  After thinking about the past couple years I realized I really let myself go and need to try to spend time taking care of myself so I can better take care of those around me.  I have started a second blog (OK, restarted but anyway) you can visit if you feel so inclined.  I am using it to keep track of my fitness over the year.  On the crafting front, I am also going to focus on being a little more rounded in the projects I work on.  I am going to try to get a little done each month on knitting, crocheting, quilting and jewelry making.  I know the way I am and that I have a hard time working on things I may have set aside, but I need to make an effort to make progress on those things. I am also going to try to be more consistent with my blogging.  I love to write, and have several journals partially filled and think to myself  "I should blog this" but never get around to getting the computer out.  So I am going to try to be better about do that as well.

I know this is a bit of a shorter post, but I have to get going since I do have to work today.  This is a busy week in the service industry.  So I am going to get going.  I hope you all have a wonderful day!!  Warmest country wishes!!

1 comment:

Anita said...

Hi there Country Mouse, What a great plan you have for the coming year and for yourself. We quite often forget about ourselves, don't we? I reckon a good dose of knitting and crocheting, spoiling ourselves and being kind to ourselves is a great gift to our soul. All the best for 2011. Kind regards, Anita.